
I’m Christa Feazell, an aspiring writer. I work full-time where I get to write newsletters, emails, blog posts…you name it, I probably do it. My job provides me with an opportunity to learn and grow as a writer and a professional. This blog strives to achieve the same goal.

Books were my first love. I solved mysteries with the Boxcar Children. I chased fairies with the cursed “Cinder” Ella. I grew up with Harry Potter. These tales filled me with ideas and stories of my own. So, it’s only natural that fiction remains a large part of my life today. I write short stories when the urge strikes. I’m also working on a novel.

But when it comes to writing, any writing makes me happy. Especially if I have to learn something new to get the job done. The tasks that come with research projects are some of my favorites. It feels like a hunt to me: tracking down the info, picking out the most relevant bits, then crafting something new out of it. It forces me to seek out new knowledge and test my skills at the same time.

Some Fast Facts

  • I graduated with a bachelors in Writing & Linguistics and a minor in Marketing.
  • I’ve been writing since 4th grade.
  • I have 40+ notebooks filled with stories and character ideas- some of which date back to middle school!
  • Like any self-respecting neurotic writer, I own a cat. Her name is Ritz. She’s perfect.
  • I am a lover of dinosaurs and consider myself a wannabe paleontologist.