Writer Tips

A Writer’s Greatest Ally

It is a commonly accepted fact in the writing community that good writers read. A lot.

I’m not one to beat a dead horse. If you’re a writer, chances are you probably know that you should be reading. I have a different, though slightly related, soapbox to mount. Writers: go to your local libraries.

If you’re someone who already does this, congratulations! Feel free to close this blog and reward yourself with a cup of tea, coffee, or an $8 Starbucks frappuccino. As for the rest of you, buckle up. This is why you need to be hitting the library.

No Price Tag

Books can get expensive, especially if you’re like me. I have a tendency to hoard books like a dragon might hoard gold or princesses. If someone sets me loose in a book store I’m not leaving until I have 2-3 new books. Then I set my new prizes on my shelf, promising myself I’ll start reading them soon…and then never do. For those keeping score at home- that’s $30 to $60 just spent on books I might not touch for weeks, months, or even years.

Libraries are a great way to scratch the reading itch without breaking the bank. My local library allows you to check out up to 45 books at a time. You can renew books, place holds, and request books online. Late fees max out at $6 per book. The library itself has free Wi-Fi and printing services. There are weekly and monthly events for kids, teens, and adults. And it’s free.

That’s insane.

Going to the library can save you literal thousands of dollars in books alone. Plus the idea of late fees might motivate you to actually, you know, read the damn thing. To see how much money your library could save you, check out this nifty little calculator.

Expand Your Horizons

When I go to a bookstore, I’m very picky about what I buy. I don’t want to spend money on a book I’ll end up hating. I once spent $15 only to discover in the first few chapters that the protagonist was a rapist. This, for me, was an immediate deal-breaker. But I still paid for the privilege to read two full chapters.

My disposable income is limited; since my money is on the line at a store, I stay well within the realm of books I know I’ll like. In a library, there is no financial risk. If I don’t like a book, I can just return it and get another one. I’m much more likely to explore new authors and new genres when I go to the library.

Exploring genres, authors, and styles can only improve your own writing. It forces you to look at things from a new perspective and can spark ideas you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. Go to your local library. Pick out a book from a genre you rarely read and give it a go. You might like it. If not, so what? It was a free book!

Support a Vital Service

Libraries do so much for their communities. They provide internet access to those who wouldn’t otherwise have it. I’ve seen people filling out job applications and printing off resumes at the library.  Kids go there to do homework that they can’t do at their houses. It’s a quiet environment where people can get work done or just relax.

The classes they offer can help with anything from healthy living to specific skills such as sewing. They do reading challenges for kids to encourage literacy- something that makes them more likely to succeed later in life.

When you visit your local library, you’re helping them secure their future funding to keep their doors open. Get out there. Read. Find books you love, find some that you hate. Your local librarian will thank you for it.